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Integrative Genetics

How to integrate genetic data into specific and effective treatment protocols. 

What if you could get to the root cause of illness for most of your patients … in one visit?

As an integrative health professional your number one priority is helping your patients get well as quickly and safely as possible. 

You’re so dedicated in fact, you often find yourself looking outside the box to find new and innovative ways to treat patients that don’t respond to the typically indicated protocols. 

The problem is, even outside the box, you’re not finding solutions that are broad or deep enough to include all your patients.

That’s why it wears away at you when your patients’ results aren’t as profound and timely.

Case in point:

  • You have patients who present with the same condition, symptoms and labs and the custom tailored treatment protocol works beautifully for one person but not for the other. 
  • You’ve had patients following a treatment protocol successfully for months or even years, then suddenly their response changes with no real causative agent.
  • Every study points toward the use of supplement X for condition Y, yet some patients have the exact opposite response when you prescribe it!

It’s frustrating and disheartening and feels like you’re not helping enough.

The problem isn’t you. 

You took an oath to treat the root cause of disease and to stimulate the innate healing response.

The REAL problem is you've never had the tools that SHOW each individual's innate healing response. 

The search and frustration end now.

Imagine seeing your next full day of patients and clearly knowing:

  1. 1
    The trial and error method is in the past: 
  • knowing why one patient requires a low fat diet and a boost of adiponectin to control their weight while another person needs a ketogenic diet and a reduction in ghrelin to balance theirs.      
  • knowing whether your patient’s high blood pressure needs to be treated via stress management, a kidney protocol or through inflammation reduction.
  • knowing where to look when a previously successful protocol suddenly stops working. 
  • knowing why the newly researched and very hyped product X will or won’t work for the patient in front of you. 
  1. 2
    How to shave weeks or months from the time it takes you to get to the core of the case. 
  2. 3
    That you can decrease the side effects that other well-researched but less specifically indicated treatments might have caused.
  3. 4
    That you can feel more confident and assured you really ARE giving your patients the best treatment for them, for their genes.
  4. 5
    That you’re giving patients peace of mind knowing they now have the tools to help their health journey for the rest of their lives.

Are you ready for this kind of clarity in your practice? 

Then you’re ready for Integrative Genetics:  a masterclass that walks you through how to use your patient’s raw genetic data to create concise and effective treatment protocols.  

Using Integrative Genetics has changed our practice and personal lives and it can change yours too.

Dr. Penny Kendall-Reed, ND, was puzzled by the fact that two patients would show up with the same clinical presentation and labs but would respond completely differently to the same indicated treatment. 

In her quest to go deeper into the biochemistry she was lead to genetics but STILL hit a dead end.  No course work was teaching how the genes interplayed and functioned together.  Simply prescribing a treatment based on individual genes still wasn’t getting to the real issue.  

So she decided to do the research herself and after 10 years of compiling and cross-referencing research on how groups of genes interacted in a person's health she applied this new integrative approach to treat her own genetic health picture, then her patients … and she hasn’t looked back.

Since then, not only has she corrected a lifelong “mystery lab” of her own , she’s helped myriad patients get to the core of their health issues and travelled internationally teaching doctors and practitioners world wide how to help their patients too.  

Penny Kendall-Reed

Dr. Jen Cincurak, ND heard Penny speak at a conference and immediately started working with Penny to understand her own integrated genetic picture. 

After experiencing the effects of a gene-specific treatment herself (including  solving decades-long food sensitivities that NOTHING else had helped) Jen realized this information needed to become more easily available to other practitioners.

So how can you start getting these gene-specific results? 

Let’s break it down.

When you sign up for the Integrative Genetics Masterclass:


  1. 1
    You’ll immediately get access to the video presentations on how to use Integrative Genetics in 5 key areas of your practice. The best part?  These are yours to use forever and you can listen at your own pace. Pause, re-listen and make notes as you need.  Nothing missed.
  1. 2
    You’ll be able to apply the following concepts to your patient’s genetic data:
  • Integrative Genetics of Metabolism: 
  • gain an in-depth analysis of key genetic SNPs that impact an individual’s risk for metabolic inefficiency, weight gain, food cravings and response to diet.
  • learn why diet alone can often be ineffective when treating obesity or preventing metabolic disease, and why temporary genetic retraining is needed.
  • learn why analyzing and treating individual gene SNP’s is insufficient and that analysis of their interactions is the only way to provide an accurate profile.
  • learn how to integrate a number of genes to create an extremely personalized and therapeutic dietary and metabolic treatment plan
  • see case studies to demonstrate how the integration of genes affects treatment protocols. 
  • Integrative Approach to Exercise: 
  • gain an in-depth analysis of the key genetic SNPs that impact the type, intensity and duration of exercise, and how performing the wrong style of exercise can increase weight gain and damage the body.
  • learn how to integrate these genes together to design effective exercise programs.
  • see case studies demonstrating how the integration of genes affects treatment protocols.  
  • Integrative Genetic Approach to Detoxification
  • gain an in-depth analysis of the key genetic SNPs that control both phase I and phase II detoxification
  • learn how to integrate these genes together to design effective treatment programs and prevent adverse genetic expression of many other genes in the body.
  • See case studies demonstrating how the integration of genes affects treatment protocols.  
  • Integrative Genetic Approach to Mental Health
  • gain an in-depth analysis of the key genetic SNPs that impact glucocorticoid, serotonin and dopamine metabolism. 
  • learn how to integrate these genes together and successfully treat these hormonally related conditions safely
  • see case studies demonstrating how the integration of genes affects treatment protocols.
  • Integrative Genetic Approach to Estrogen Metabolism
  • gain an in-depth analysis of the key genetic SNPs that impact estrogen metabolism and which genetic codings are crucial when using hormone replacement therapy of any kind.
  • gain an in-depth analysis of the key genetic SNPs that impact estrogen metabolism and which genetic codings are crucial when using hormone replacement therapy of any kind. 
  • case studies demonstrating how the integration of genes affects treatment protocols.
  1. 3
    You’ll get download access to PDF files of the slides/notes from each presentation to add the notes you need. 
  2. 4
    You’ll feel more confident in identifying the genetic roots of your patients’ health concerns and assured that you’re offering them treatment that’s best for their innate healing response.
  3. 5
    You’ll also get 4 CE credit (CONO category A)

To access this kind of training individually would cost at least $1000 and take weeks to schedule.  

To access the self-paced Masterclass as fast as you’d like is $200 Covid price: $99 USD.

We know, 4 CE credits for $99 is just about unheard of but we really want everyone to have access to this and start helping patients with more specific treatment right away.

Here’s how to start learning:

  • Hit the 'enroll now' button below to create login info for the course and pay with Paypal.
  • You’ll automatically be redirected to the access all the video presentations and the PDF files.
  • Grab your laptop and some note paper (if you prefer taking notes by hand) and get ready to change how you look at and create treatment plans using DNA data.

Start creating effective, gene-targeted patient protocols today.