How to Have a Peaceful December

Whether it’s end-of-year business or holiday craziness, December tends to be a pretty intense month for a lot of people.

Add to that all the emotions that come with another year ending: what we did or didn’t do, holiday with family (or without family), all the things we grieve or are happy to put to bed at this time of year.

The emotional output is HUGE.

So how can we make it easier on ourselves?

How can we compassionately and respectfully end the year and live out the last two weeks of December with a little more peace and ease?

That’s what today’s podcast is all about.

I guide you through a quick exercise to help you have the holidays and year end with the feelings that YOU choose and then we do a quick guided meditation to embody that.

(Happy sigh.)  It was soooooo good just leading this guided visualization.

Much peace to you.

p.s. January’s going to bring much more peace and calm your way so look out for some new material coming soon!