Welcome to
the Conscious Entrepreneur
We believe that in order to grow our business, we have to grow our mindset
Our Mission? To help big-hearted entrepreneurs create success that facilitates more freedom, fulfillment and the power to positively change the world.

Hello there beautiful entrepreneurs...
I'm Jen Cincurak and I’m a conscious entrepreneur just like you.
I know what it’s like to have passion for a meaningful business mission, I know how it feels to truly want to help AND I know how it feels to get totally stuck in your head.
In 2015 I combined 15 years of continually overcoming mindset hurdles with my medical background and love for neuroscience and took this work to other entrepreneurs and small business owners. I started working with other entrepreneurs , interviewed loads of experts in the field, published hundreds of podcasts on the topic and ran two full-fledged summits, all about getting over the mindset blocks to success.
Then in 2020 it became clear: it’s time for community.
The Conscious Entrepreneur Community is a membership for heart-driven entrepreneurs looking for deep yet gentle support so they can overcome their mental blocks, grow their success and help more people.
Let’s heal the planet by bringing our gift to the world, shall we?
Being seen and heard
Deep down we all need basic acknowledgment, we need our truth to be recognized. In the loud online world it’s hard to find a calm and supportive space to even hear what our own thoughts and needs are. Our community is about creating the space to breathe and get to the underlying block so we can transform it into your future success.
No one has to go it alone
We know the power of having many hearts and heads behind our efforts. We’ve created this community so we can come together and be better as many rather than isolated as one. We’re here to remind you that not only are you NOT alone but you have the support and creativity of a community behind you.
Fulfillment is key
We love what we do and it’s deeply fulfilling. It’s more important for us to be in alignment with our purpose than chasing after a shiny object that feels empty.
For us, leadership is about service and mirroring, there are no authoritarian, know-it-all, gurus here. Just like a tree knows how to grow when it has sunlight, air, soil and water, we’re here to help you remove the blocks keeping you from what you need to naturally grow and shine.
Your Success Matters
We’re not here to make a sale then run for the hills, we’re here to support you for the long haul. Your success is our success. You have a conscious entrepreneur family now.
REAL people overcoming their mindset blocks to success...
Jen's work has surprised me at how fast I can calm my nervous system and operate from a balanced emotional state.
I couldn't have fathomed the strength of these exercises and how much they've helped me move beyond stressful and even traumatic past events.
The major breakthrough for me was learning how to separate my self perception from a situation or outcome.
Jen's tapping has already changed my life.
Immediately after following along with her exercise for money blocks, I found that my anxiety regarding money was diminished.
I trust that we're going to be financially okay in a way I didn't before.
Thank you Jen for your sincerity, clear teaching style and deep caring that comes through during your tapping instruction and meditations.
Oh, and your voice soothes my soul!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Since using Jen's work, I'm better equipped to handle conflict and the natural ups and downs of my work.
What would have felt like a mountain of stress, emotion and exhaustion now feel like a small blip.
This has lead to me winning awards and being given even more opportunities in my work

How we can
Help your business
Let's answer some
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I interview you for my podcast/blog/publication?
We're always excited to talk about mindset and are open to considering your invitation. Just send a message through our contact page letting us know a little about your show/blog and we'll get back to you.
Will Jen speak at my online event/summit?
We'd be happy to discuss the opportunity to be part of your event. Just reach out to us here.
Can I work with you one-to-one?
From time to time Jen opens up some one-to-one coaching spots for members of the community. (Join us!)
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BEST VALUE: save $150 when you join annually
All prices are in US dollars.